The Trick of Creating Awesome Press Release

Are press releases still useful? The is the subject of an ongoing debate throughout the Internet universe. The truth is this: they are quite useful indeed. Many IMers actually believe that they are not useful simply because they are not using them properly to build their business in the way that they should. For the most part, there is so much more to press releases than using the free distribution tools that are available, and sending out a poorly crafted article with a link to what you want them to buy. Now let’s look at some simple ways that you can create a fantastic press release using the strategies and tactics that we have written in this article.

It is a bad idea to send your press release as an e-mail attachment to anyone. More than likely, this will not work. Have you ever opened an unknown attachment before?

Right? You wouldn’t have an exception to this rule would you? Targeting people is fine, but you need to send your press release in the body of the e-mail for this to work. If you want to make sure that people read your press release, you have to put a personalized message at the top. It will tell them to read what you have written in very kind and reassuring words. Remember: most people who get press releases are used to them and often will just delete them unread – the personalized message will pique their curiosity. By adding this extra paragraph (a few minutes tops) it can generate quite a bit of cash. Now you have a better perspective on what we are talking about.

If you are an IM marketer, then you cannot put bogus contact data in your press releases. You want more than just a website URL, so include an email address and a phone number as well. The more ways people have to contact you the better off you are going to be. It is always up to you as to how professional you want to be with your press releases. Contact information offers people personal contact with you, which is another avenue through which you can sell your product or service.

Instead of just using online sources, use other press release distribution options. It is very common for people to simply upload their releases to an online distributor and see what happens. Why not target some offline sources as well? Find out the policies for press releases with your local news outlets (television, newspaper and radio). Send it to businesses who might find your product or service useful. Use a fax. Sending a direct-mail also works. You will greatly limit your ability to succeed if you only use a single distribution method or source. Using many of them is the key to success. It is essential that you use variety.

Embracing this is essential.

In conclusion, there are many things that you can do with a press release to ensure that your business continues to grow. We’ve shared a few of those with you in this article. As you learn how to work with press releases, you’ll not want to stop using them. It all comes down to how much work you are willing to put into your business using press releases, and how well you have written them so that they are well-received by the public.